Wow!!! What a beautiful concert! The Lord is so faithful ~ through amazing music and testimonies…we give all the glory to Him! We would like to thank everyone for all the support, love, and prayers. We praise God for all that He provided and for His amazing...
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~Matthew...
SERVING IN LOVE June has been an exciting month as the Davis Family arrived to Curahuasi, Peru! Our family has been waiting for months for the arrival of our dear friends. We cannot thank their family enough for all that they have done for us. What a blessing to see...
DONATIONS FROM TROUTMAN, NC Thank you, Dragonfly Mission Thrift Store, for donating bags of clothes and shoes to help us minister in Peru! We praise God for your donation as these clothes have helped many children in poverished areas. Please pray as many new...
SERVING IN LOVE We were so blessed to have Project:Re3 (Kernersville, NC) serve along side the mission here in Peru. The team of four, led by Beth Gianopulos, arrived in May to help us minister to the local schools and with our ongoing weekly ministries. The Lord sent...