Week 27: Project Hope

Week 27: Project Hope

This past week we continued our study in Romans and we taught the youth that the greatest LOVE we receive is the LOVE of God. God LOVED us all so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, to live, die, and rise again to redeem us. We taught the youth how to share the Good...
Week 26: Project Hope

Week 26: Project Hope

We are blessed today to see so many smiles on the faces of the youth! So thankful so many youth helped support the 5K Run this past weekend. Please continue to pray for our study in Romans. Continue to pray for many to put their HOPE and TRUST in JESUS. “To open...
5K for Project Hope

5K for Project Hope

We are thankful for the runners who raced in the USA 5K and in Peru 5K today to help support the mission in Peru. A big thank you to Jonna Strange for all the hard work she has put in to making this day possible. Also to Lake Heath for coordinating the event with...
Week 25: Project Hope

Week 25: Project Hope

Please pray for the youth this week at Project Hope! Last week several of the students made the personal decision to put their hope and trust in JESUS! Praising God for His faithfulness and for new believers! Also, we had an exciting week as some local teenagers...
Week 24: Project Hope

Week 24: Project Hope

Praise God for all the school supplies donated for the students in Project Hope. All the youth were so excited to receive much needed supplies. Please pray this week as we continue discipling the youth and begin our studies in the book of Romans. God is so faithful!...
Week 23: Project Hope

Week 23: Project Hope

We so appreciate all the prayers being lifted up daily for Project Hope. Please continue to pray for new believers. This week we will continue to work through daily devotions relating to teenagers and sharing the greatest gift, the gift of Salvation through JESUS...