Distributing Bibles by Horseback

Distributing Bibles by Horseback

Please join us in praying for our brother in Christ, Alberto. He lives in a very remote village, hours from Curahuasi. He traveled by horse and taxi to come to Curahuasi this week to get Bibles to take back to the people in his village. He shared how there is no road...
Go Into All The World

Go Into All The World

We praise God for the villages that are being reached and for the Good News of Jesus Christ being proclaimed from one family to the next in Peru. God is so good! Thank you for the ongoing prayers and support to help purchase Bibles, food, and supplies. “And he said to...
Unconditional LOVE

Unconditional LOVE

One of the hardest things experiencing and seeing while living in Peru, was the tears of young women with children who were abandoned not only many times by their fathers, but by the fathers of their children. The heartache and pain that consumes them daily, as they...
No Greater LOVE

No Greater LOVE

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
The Riches of His Glory

The Riches of His Glory

Pray for the team as they travel to 7 new villages this month. Pray for lives to be forever changed as they hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Praise God for the support and prayers being lifted up daily by our prayer partners. Lord, please give Lucinda and the team...
The Power At Work Within Us

The Power At Work Within Us

The government in Peru has announced that the state of emergency has been extended. This comes after multiple extensions and now the quarantine measures will continue (now for almost 7 months). In the quarantine areas, only one person per family will be allowed to...