Pray today for Project HOPE / PERU “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 sharing.the.gospel.from.village.2.village #rootedingraceandlove
H A P P Y l B I R T H D A Y Today we celebrate the beautiful life of Lucinda on her birthday. We praise God for healing her body just a few short months ago. Our family, the mission of Rooted In Grace & Love, and so many others have been incredibly blessed by...
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 Pray for Project HOPE. Pray for many to give their lives to JESUS CHRIST. Pray that God will be glorified....
Praying continuously for the people in Peru. We lift up today the families who are being reached with Project HOPE during this ongoing crisis with COVID. Pray for the mission team as they minister to each family suffering and struggling to live day by day. Thank you...
Praise God…there is HOPE ❤️ Thank you, Lord, for the food that has been safely delivered to help reach more families in the upcoming month. We are continuing to pray for the families that have been reached and for the lives that are being forever...
This morning we praise God for providing water for many in the village of Curahuasi who live day by day with no running water. Just imagine every time you turn on water from the kitchen sink throughout the day and what our lives would look like without this daily...