Our family began this journey of faith seven years ago. Year after year, we are beyond BLESSED to have The Baptist Preparatory School serve along-side the mission in Peru. The moment this team arrives, each student is prepared to share their faith, testimonies, teach the Bible, and share the greatest gift of all – JESUS CHRIST. In March, Lucinda and Levi, led a team of twelve to Curahuasi. Each day, the team traveled to remote villages, led youth and adult Bible studies, and LOVED on the locals through the giving of food, time, and resources brought from the States. Throughout the week, hundreds of people heard the GOOD NEWS! Praise God for their faithfulness and sacrifice, as they brought the Peruvian people the HOPE of salvation. How beautiful are the feet! To each of the students that traveled thousands of miles, the Rooted In Grace & Love mission team wants to thanks you all and continue to encourage you all to be the LIGHT, wherever God leads you. Thank you for ministering and loving on our family!

Lucinda & Levi, thank you for all the hard work and preparation (Lucinda – the most AMAZING Spanish teach ever)…for your beautiful photos (Levi Miller) and for serving beside us on this journey.

We are counting the days till we see you all again.

May God Bless~

Sean & Crissy Heath
Rooted In Grace & Love Missionaries

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” -Romans 10:14-15