Today is a very special day for Rooted In Grace & Love as we celebrate the beautiful life of Lucinda Valer and her 50th birthday. There is no way to measure the total impact she has made on our lives and her immediate family, on her community, and for the hundreds of volunteers that have been blessed to serve along side her in Peru. Lucinda faithfully serves and follows our Lord and Savior. She lives each day to glorify Christ and will sacrifice everything to share His love with others. She is a Proverbs 31 woman who LOVES unconditionally. She has taught us so much about what is REALLY important in life, how to count our blessings in the storms, and how to minister to the poor and suffering. We have been truly BLESSED to have her in our lives and for her love that she pours on all of our six children. We love you, Lucinda! Happy Birthday from all of us in the USA!
Today, let’s celebrate Lucinda…please post comments or photos for Lucinda and share with others some of your favorite memories.