The Lord’s Faithfulness Endures Forever
Praise the Lord, all nations!
Extol him, all peoples!
For great is his steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117:1-2
Please pray for safety as the Icard, NC team travels back to the USA from Peru! So many blessings have come from this team over the last 2 weeks. They have supported and loved on our family for years. Thank you Mt. Hebron Baptist Church & Shoup’s Grove Baptist for your faithfulness, love & prayers! Thank you for sending the church. What an example of faith and perseverance as we all celebrated Bill Gregg’s 30th year of mission service in Peru. Thank you for your AMAZING example of obediently serving our Lord and Savior. Ken, Glenda, Allen, Presley & Ben…we also wanted to thank you for ALL that you have done for the people in Peru and for the mission. We already miss you all! Hurry back soon & save us a seat at our favorite country buffet!
May God bless you all!