We are excited to offer our first fleece sweatshirt blanket/throw with our logo ($25). Just like your favorite sweatshirt, these blankets are super comfy and are enjoyable for any time of year. They are great for indoor or outdoor use and they do not take up a lot of space. The fleece throws are perfect for traveling in cars or on planes. All proceeds from the blankets will go towards helping our mission in reaching hundreds of families in Peru with food, medical/clothing supplies, and most importantly, the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our goal for 2021 is reach over a 1,000 more impoverished families in these unreached villages of Peru.

If you would like the fleece sweatshirt blankets by Christmas, please use the link below to pre-oder. We have two pick up dates available on Saturday, December 19th from 10:00AM-12:00PM or Monday, December 21st from 4:00-6:00PM @ Beulah Baptist Church. The blanket/throw size is 50″x60″. The cost is $25 per blanket and we have three colors to choice from: Heather Navy, Charcoal & Maroon.

Thank you in advance from the Rooted In Grace & Love mission team. We greatly appreciate your prayer and support.