For almost one year, the Rooted In Grace & Love mission team, prayed, planned, and prepared for the Footbridge dental group to return to Curahuasi, Peru.

The Rooted In Grace & Love mission team worked along side other local missionaries, Brendan and Erin Connally, to identify two remote villages for the dental clinics. The Connally’s have been serving near these villages of San Luis and Concacha over the last few years and have built a strong relationship with the local Baptist church.

Our prayer was that God would prepare a way for the Footbridge dental team to come again and help us bring the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST to many of the people living in these remote villages. We praise God for bringing this very talented group of individuals. Even in the midst of what we thought was trouble (luggage delayed and not arriving on time), we found that God opened doors to minister in other ways. The Footbridge team stepped up and helped bring much needed food to families suffering from a recent flood. God is so faithful, His timing is always perfect.

Many procedures were performed throughout the week and time opened up to offer more deep cleanings and much needed extractions. As each patient passed through the clinic, they were greeted by the local believers and missionaries and heard the Good News of God’s one and only Son, Jesus Christ.

We thank God for sending Footbridge dental team thousands of miles to the beautiful Andes Mountains of Peru to serve along side our ministry. We have been blessed in knowing that many of the team members sacrificed and took a huge step of faith in leaving their families and comfortable lives, to help take the Gospel to spiritually dark areas of Peru. Please continue to pray for Brendan and Erin Connelly as their family continues to serve as missionaries here in Peru. Thank you, Erin and Brendan, for an incredible week!

We hope to see you all again soon! May God bless each one of you as your return to your mission field in the States. We will be praying for you all and ask that you continue to pray for the mission here and for many to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Sean & Crissy Heath

Rooted In Grace & Love Missionaries Serving In Peru

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” -Romans 10:14-15