So blessed to have Beulah with us in Peru! Praise the Lord, the team made it safely and all bags arrived. We want to thank everyone for helping supply the bedding/towels for the new Rooted In Grace & Love official mission house! Thank you to our Beulah family & our other church families in the US for all that you do for the mission! Your love, encouragement, and prayers are so appreciated…words cannot fully describe❤️ Thank you to the Rooted board members for all the behind the scenes work that you all do to help us minister in Peru! Thank you to Second Generation Quartet for the wonderful surprise. A big thank you to Debbie Dagenhart, Lou Ann Dyson, Gary Dyson, and Linda Anderson for COUNTLESS hours given to help buy and pack all the 50lb. bags. Thank you Hannah Roberts, for coordinating the fundraiser and to Jim Dagenhart for all the daily prayers you have lifted up for the mission, the Beulah team, and for many to know JESUS as their Lord and Savior!
The Lord blessed us each day, opening our eyes to LOVE others unconditionally.
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
May God Bless You All!
With Iove,
The Heath Family