Almost two years ago we met Baby Anderson. Anderson was born with an enlarged heart and medically speaking, the doctors told us there was no hope. We still remember the moment of hearing them say he would not make it to his second birthday. ••• From that moment on, we prayed and asked God to heal him. We prayed for his parents salvations, we prayed for a miracle. Team after team laid their hands on his little body, praying for God’s will and complete healing. ••• Today, we praise God! There have been so many miracles witnessed, that only our God had the love and power to reveal. Hundreds of our family and friends back home have prayed over his life and have been forever impacted by our AWESOME Savior. ••• Please join us this week in praising God and giving Him all the glory as we celebrate Anderson’s 3rd Birthday! He is still thriving and we thank God for allowing us to meet him and his mother early one morning on a small Curahuasi road.