Today has been a very difficult day for the Project Hope team. Last night one of our youth lost his life due to a tragic accident as he was taking care of animals. Our hearts are broken. Please pray for Rusman’s family and for our team as we try to minister to them. Please pray for God to use us in mighty ways to share His great love and plan of salvation. Pray for the youth who have just heard the news of their classmate. Our prayer is that many will come to know JESUS CHRIST as their personal Lord and Savior.

We have been reminded today how short this life is. Do not let this day pass without putting your trust and faith in JESUS CHRIST. God, please cause the goodness of your salvation to reach many today. God, help us not to keep this good news to ourselves, but to boldly proclaim the gospel to our families, friends, and whoever you put in our paths. Thank you, Lord, for allowing this team to minister daily to these students. Lord, draw each one close to you. We pray this with all our heart. Amen.

For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:11-13