What an incredible week for the Peru mission team as they were able to travel safely to remote areas visiting more families in need of food. Many of these families are the homes of the Project Hope youth. The team has been overwhelmed by the needs and struggles that the families have shared with them during their visits. The 100+ days of quarantine has caused major economic impacts on these families as most have been unable to work and provide the basic necessities for their family. The Peru mission team has shared the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST with each family. The Good News that God has sent His one and only Son to be the Savior of this world

(John 3:16).

Please continue to pray for one family in particular who has struggled for years. Many of you have prayed for a young teenage girl where her parents were trying to sell her. Unfortunately, indigenous Peruvians are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. The Rooted In Grace & Love team has been working with this family for some time to help them to understand and find ways to keep their sixteen year-old daughter safe. God has been so faithful and food and supplies have been provided for this family – even in the midst of the pandemic. The young girl, full of tears of joy, is now taking online classes to further her education. We praise God for your prayers during these past months since we realized her desperate situation. As the team left her, she was very emotional, but what they recognized as being emotionally overwhelmed from the LOVE that has been poured out on her and her family. Our prayer is that at that moment, she saw JESUS…through the LOVE and SACRIFICE of the team. We praise God for this team and for their servant hearts to make JESUS known. Lord, we give you all the GLORY as you continue to work in the lives of the Peruvian people and all over the world.

Please keep praying as the team continues to deliver food and to share our only HOPE, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for the prayers, love, and support during this time.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
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