The Gamarra's Story

Throughout all these years of serving our good God, we have seen up close how great He is. He has always guided us along the paths that we know He prepared for us. Sometimes these paths have been difficult to understand, but even during these times, He walked with us and continued to perfect His plan. We know His guidance has been perfect and throughout all these years of serving Him in various ministries, we have coveted His care, His endless provisions, His amazing love, and His great mercies and protection. As a family, it is our desire to wait on God every day, to be sensitive to His call, and to be forever guided by Him. Being under His guidance, we feel a deep peace in the ministries that He allows us to do. We are passionate about reaching others for Christ. We pray to God that He will continue to make our hearts overflow in announcing his Good News and to use our lives for His service. 

Husband: Jesús Walter Gamarra Perea
Wife: Evita
Children: Caleb, Jared, Isaac 
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
Psalm 73:25

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